Bevezeti végül a dislike gombot a Facebook? - B1 - 2015

Like it or not, Facebook's trademark "Like" button is set to get more expressive.

The social network has announced plans to launch a new set of emoticons to replace the traditional button. The "Reactions" will allow users to express a range of emotions including love, happiness, anger and sadness. However, "dislike" will not be one of them.

It comes after CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company was working on adding a button other than "Like" to express empathy:

"You know not every moment is a good moment (right)... If you are sharing something that is sad,you know whether it's something in current events... like the refugee crisis that touches you... or a family member passed away...then.... it may not feel comfortable to like that post. But... uh... but your friends and people wanna be able to express that they understand and that they relate to you, so I do think that it is important to give people more options than just 'Like'."

The move follows heavy demand from users to create a Dislike option.

The six new buttons appear as animated emoticons and pop up when the "Like" button is long pressed.

The company studied comments and reactions most commonly expressed across Facebook before coming up with the new designs.

It plans to launch the pilot across devices in Ireland and Spain, before rolling the feature out to everyone.

Word Szó
like it or not tetszik vagy sem
expressive kifejező
to announce bejelenteni
to express kifejezni
including beleértve
anger harag
however mindamellett
CEO - Chief Executive Officer vezérigazgató
to share megosztani
current events aktuális események
refugee menekült
to pass away elhunyni
comfortable kényelmes
wanna - want to akar valamit
relate to kötődik, kapcsolódik
demand követelés
to appear megjelenni
to press a button megnyomni egy gombot
to come up with előjönni valamivel
to launch elindít
to roll out kibocsátani
features jellemzők (itt az új ikonokra utalnak)