7 ok, hogy elkezdj úszni - Seven reasons to start swimming

Yes, the treadmill is fun, and so are those dumbbells, but they only offer a portion of what a swim workout does. From toning your core to speeding up your metabolism, there are several reasons why you should consider swimming your new go-to.

1. It’s a total-body workout
Swimming tackles everything from sculpting your back to toning your arms—all without having to pick up a weight. Rather than needing a plan to work specific muscles, all four strokes work to strengthen your entire body.

2. It’s joint-friendly
If you’re recovering from an injury and are eager to build strength, then look into starting a swimming routine to stay fit. If running is your passion, then swimming is a great way to work out on recovery days, allowing knees a rest from the pavement.

3. It’s muscle-lengthening
If you’re worried about bulking up (which you shouldn’t be), then consider swimming. Swimming combines resistance training with cardio, building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism. It also puts your body through a range of movements, helping your muscles stay long and flexible.

4. It’s helpful with exercise-induced asthma
Many swimmers first jump into the pool to relieve exercise-induced asthma. This is because swimming allows you to work out in moist air, reducing asthma symptoms. Because swimming requires some breath control, it also improves your overall lung and breathing capacity.

5. It doesn’t require fancy equipment
That’s right; you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to swim. All you need is a swimsuit, cap, and goggles. Even if you do decide to add more equipment (e.g. a kickboard), they are rather inexpensive, and chances are your local pool has a few handy.

6. There are several variations
The workouts are endless when it comes to the pool. Beyond all four strokes, you can kick, pull, or even use the wall for push-ups!

7. It’s refreshing
Jumping into a pool is refreshing! You don’t need to be a professional swimmer to reap the benefits. Have fun with it, and enjoy being in the water. If anything, you’ll walk away with a nice tan and an endorphin kick!

Source: health.com